Mass on 9th June, 2024

We are so happy to announce you that traditional Latin Mass be held on 9th June  at St.Joseph, Tsukiji, Tokyo.

Registration is not required for attending Mass. Everyone is welcomed.Please feel free to join us to celebrate the Mass of the Ages.

DayFrom 14:00pm on Sunday, 9th June,2024
MassSung Mass( External Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, white)
CelebrantFr. Jérôme de la Bâtie( Chaplain of French speaking community in Japan)

Church of St. Joseph (Tsukiji Catholic Church)

 Click here for more information about how to access.


Donation is not mandatory, but we kindly request your generous cooperation in the following areas:

Donation for the maintenance of St.Joseph parish church building ( We collect during Mass)

EnquiryPlease refrain from contacting Catholic Tsukiji Church because the parish clerk might not know the details about this Mass. Contact us for more information.
Guideline for Mass attendees

We kindly request that you utilize public transportation when coming to St. Joseph church.

Blessing items is held before Mass. And blessings will be prioritized for those who have pre-registered. To pre-register, please click here